I never think how does dry dog food go bad? Because I am inquisitive about my dog foods, I always prefer to keep them in a dependable place, but recently two months supply of my American bully go bad, that push me to think and research what’s the possibilities of dog food to go wrong and how to keep them safe?
Usually, unopened dry dog food has a shelf life of 12 to 18 months, while on the other side and, opened dog food may last for two months only. Commercially available dry dog foods have a long shelf life, but they can be spoiled or go rancid. You do not need to worry; there are several ways to keep them safe and fresh for a more extended period. But first, know the most common causes of food spoilage are,
- Expiry date approached.
- Food exposed to air.
- Food exposed to excess moisture, moisture in the environment causes mold.
- The high temperature always leads to rancidity.
- Accessible to dogs and other pets, and even children.
Many pet owners like me avail of deals that save some money, and when we buy a deal for the six months or a-year supply, we also need to keep that food safe. Usually, dry kibble has a long shelf life and can be stored as it comes. Look for the expiry date on the bag and prefer to consume that food before the expiry date is the only consideration that many owners think about, but many others are listed above.
How to tell if dog food has gone bad?
Nature makes them sense odors that humans cannot. If your dog sniffs the bowl and turns the head means not eating the food or when again and again sensing but not eating. That means something is wrong with the good. In most cases, dogs take a few bites and then stop eating the food. It is a clear sign that something is wrong with the dog food.
If your dog is not a picky eater, or by nature, some dogs eat garbage. In that case, dogs will not tell you anything about the food. In such a case, it’s your responsibility to identify the gone off food. Here are
- You see any sign of bugs, mold, or moisture.
- Rancid or sour odor.
- The food past its expiration date.
- Exposed to humidity or heat, and you know that.
- Any discomfort in your dog after eating.
- Your dog refused to eat the food.
It is extremely hard in some cases when you cannot find any odor or bug in the food, and it seems that food is perfect for eating, but your dog got unwell. Do not risk the life of your dog. Stop feeding them food and consult with the vet if your dog does not feel better with other foods. Always dispose of the wrong food and replace the bags with fresh food. Still wandering, does dry dog food go bad? Yes, it can.
While disposing of the food, make sure it must not become available to homeless pets because it can become a life-threatening food for them.
Also Read
Does Dry Dog Food Go Bad After Expiry?
Yes, dog foods go bad after expiry, not to use any expired dog food. Keep in mind the expiry dates are only indicative manufacturer print these dates on the bags to make it sure consumer use this food before that date.
The majority of foods come with an expiry date of more than two years.
Do not buy dog food near to expire and always buy food for a maximum of three months supply; this will allow using the same food right before expiry.
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Does a Dog Food Expose to Air Go Bad?
Once the bag is opened and food becomes exposed to air, It reduces life, and food becomes deteriorated with a count of time. Once the bag is opened, dry dog food remains useable for two months. But if you keep your dog’s food in an airtight jar, that can extend the life of your dog food.
Do not open the food bag until you need that food to feed. And prefer to buy bags that can last for one month, not more than this. A portion of dog food exposed to air suffers from rusting, and bad bacteria take control of food composition.
Can Excess Moisture Effect Dog Food?
It may be a rainy session, and you left your dog food open or excess moisture in the environment due to change in weather or extreme winter. It will allow the moisture to make the way to food and bad bacteria start performing as they do all the time in a favorable environment.
If you are still wondering, does dry dog food go bad? It is a real cause a dog good can go bad and can increase the medical bill of your dog.
Moisture cannot make its way until the food bag is unopened, but once it is opened, you need to keep it in an airtight arrangement to avoid moisture.
Does Dry Dog Food Go Bad in Heat?
It can be worst for the food as well as for the dogs. In the hard summer weather, a dog always remains exposed to dehydration, and if they eat bad food, that can lead to a disaster. The very first condition of de-shaping, yes, dog food can be de-shaped because of high temperature, and its formula may be affected.
Your dog’s food can also go bad due to the excessive heat when you keep your dog food near the stove. Food remains exposed to high temperatures either opened or unopened, so keep your food in a cool and moderate temperature place for safety.
Dog Food can go Bad When Accessible to Dogs, Other Pets and even Children
It’s another reason for food to deteriorate/spoil when accessible to dogs and other pets and even children. There are chances that they mix mud, water, or any other thing in the food. That can change food composition, and it turns bad or spoiled on the ground while mixing mud in the food.
To keep your dog food-safe, you need to keep that on the high place where your dogs cannot access it. In the majority of cases, when owners use transparent jars that lead to a problem, the dog can see that food and make efforts to get that.
What are the Ways to Keep Dry Dog Food Safe and Fresh
We buy in bulk to save some money; simultaneously, we also need to consider the ways to keep that food protected and fresh. Manufacturers use quality food bags that are strong enough to hold the food and protect it from air and moisture until it’s opened. Until a bag is not opened, you need to keep that at a safe, dry, and cool place with a moderate temperature and away from heat and sunlight.
- Look for the fresh, recently manufactured food; you can find the bag’s manufacturing date; any food made six months age is not food to buy; fresh food will not go rancid quickly.
- Buy Small bags that you can consume in seven days or a maximum of two weeks. Seven days is an ideal time to finish an opened bag.
- Purchase kibble without fats and add your fresh fat source; such food has more tendency to stay good.
- Store the food in a cool and dry place to prevent oxidization.
- As I write earlier, protect the bag from heat as well as from the sunlight. Temperature can change the composition of the food.
- You must not buy a torn or damaged bag that becomes exposed to air that shortens its life if you buy online and receive a torn or damaged bad return that avoids any accident.
- Please do not force your dog to eat the kibble when he refuses the eat it, as he is trying to say something to you.
- Keep your dog food away from the reach of dogs, other pets in the home as well as children.
- Do not dump new food on the remaining food from the previous bag in a container; the old food will speed the oxidation process of new food.
- Purchase a reasonable container and place your food bad in that container.
The original dog food bag is the best storage option. Do not open that until you need to consume the food. In the original bag, you can keep the food for many months and place it in a cool and dry place away from heat and sunlight. When you buy a container, pay attention to FDA guidelines and prefer to buy an FDA-approved Food grade plastic container.
The unfortunate aspect is that all plastic containers leach the vitamin c out of the food into the plastic, and plastic also speeds up the oxidation process that deteriorates the food. A plastic container reduces the nutrients in food.
We advise only to buy food-grade plastic containers for storage and prefer to place bags in the container; it will keep your dog’s food fresher. It slows down the oxidation process as food directly connects with the plastic and is exposed to plastic.
Many dog owners think that food manufacturer’s use preservative and that can save from turning rancid. But the reality is a dog food can turn bad if it’s exposed to air and temperature. If you still thinking, does dry dog food go bad? Yes, it can go bad.
Dog food manufacturers do not suggest keeping your dog food in a plastic container; it’s banned from their side. I spoke to many representatives, and they told me horrible stories. Many of them recognize that scooping from the bag is a hassle, but they only suggest keeping the food in the bag as it is the best and safest place for the food.
Some plastics absorb much of the vitamin from the food, while a metal food container can be a good solution. It is still a costly item compared to plastic containers—a dog food bag designed to prevent anything either exiting from the food or entering into the food. You must prefer to keep your dog food in the bag. If there is a need for a container, then place the bag in the container is a good solution to keep our dog food protected and fresh.