Is Cedar Chips Safe For Dogs

Dogs are susceptible to various illnesses, and as pet owners, it’s our responsibility to ensure that they’re healthy and safe.

Recently, there has been some concern over cedar chips as bedding for dogs. Some people believe that the aromatic oils in cedar chips can cause health problems in dogs, while others claim that they’re perfectly safe. So, is it safe to use cedar chips as bedding for your dog?

Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons to figure out Is Cedar Chips Safe For Dogs?

We recently added a list of luxury gifts for dogs that are durable and worthy to be gifted.

What Is Cedar Chips?

Cedar chips are wood shavings derived from cedar trees. The chips are produced from different trees. In the United States, the wood of the Eastern Red cedar is used. The tree releases natural oils with a pleasant smell.

Cedar chips are wood shavings used as pet bedding, typically for dogs and other small animals such as rabbits and guinea pigs. People who use them for their pets claim that cedar chips control odor and help to naturally freshen the air within a home, which is very important when caring for small animals.

Is It Safe to Use Cedar In Dog Bedding?

The odor of cedar repels insects. Cedar chips are a favorite choice for filling dog beds; Because of this, cedar chips are a common choice for dog bed stuffing. It is effective in this capacity, but its powerful scent might induce an allergy in dogs with respiratory difficulties.

Contact allergies can develop in dogs prone to them after prolonged contact with cedar bedding, which may cause itching or rashes. Cedar-filled beds are not harmful to dogs but should only be utilized for healthy dogs free of allergies.

Cedar in Your Dog’s House

The floor of an outdoor dog house may be lined with cedar. CEDAR chips are a popular choice for keeping your dog comfy and dry since to the insect-repelling qualities of cedar. However, if you have a chewer, avoid using cedar chips.

They can cause gastric upset, abrasions to the mouth, and clogs when ingested. In addition, if eaten by a pregnant dog or a puppy born in captivity, there is potential for bacterial transmission.

Can Cedar Mulch Make Dogs Sick?

If consumed, cedar mulch will not seriously harm your dog, but it might make him sick, and if he consumes a large amount of it, he may vomit. In addition, according to the ASPCA, dogs can choke on the mulch as well.

Are dogs allergic to cedar?

According to Dr. Mike Mixon of a Texas veterinary practice, it affects dogs and cats. “Dogs can be sensitive to anything, and everything like humans are, and the same goes for cats,” he adds. “They can be allergic to cedar chips. Some, not all.”

Cats are often more sensitive than dogs to the oils in cedar wood shavings, which can trigger asthma or other respiratory problems. The danger level for any pet is too high to ignore the possibility of harm from inhaling cedar oils. When pets are indoors, they are exposed to dry cedar shavings constantly.

Does Cedar Mulch Repel Fleas?

Cedar is a natural insect repellant. You may distribute cedar mulch in areas where your pets like to play or rest in the yard. Those pests will be prevented from migrating to those places by doing so.

Spreading cedar mulch around the boundaries of your yard also serves as a barrier.

Will Cedar Chips Repel Fleas?

Cedar shavings are a fantastic flea repellent for dogs and cats. Many dog beds include cedar shavings as part of the filler to help prevent fleas and ticks.

You may use cedar shavings as filler in addition to bedding for horses and other livestock since it’s also good for animal bedding.

Is white cedar poisonous to dogs?

Cedar chips are not poisonous to your dog. According to the National Institutes of Health, white cedar is classified as “non-toxic” by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

What are Cedar Alternatives?

Beds and other pet bedding products sold in stores filled with artificial materials, such as cotton or foam, can still be dangerous for your dog.

As mentioned before, cedar is a natural insect repellent and it will keep insects (and their eggs) away from your house, but there are also other safe alternatives for you to use.

A product called “Buggslayer,” an herbal tick and flea repellent powder that’s 100% safe to use on your dog, cat, or around your house.

Symptoms of Cedar Bedding Allergies in Dogs

Many people notice the pleasant aroma of cedar, which is linked to a sense of freshness and hygiene. The oil from cedar is utilized in cleaning products, pet shampoos, and sprays. However, cedar chips as bedding or as a filler in a textile pet bed can cause allergy symptoms if they are accessible directly. Here are some signs that lead to Cedar bedding allergies in dogs.

  • Scratching and licking around the groin, anus, legs, armpits, face, and ears
  • Irritated skin
  • Oily and odorous skin
  • Hair loss
  • Ear infection
  • Wheezing
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Nausea
  • Lethargy
  • Anorexia
  • Fever

To educate dog parents for proper bedding of dogs we recently add new educational resource pine or cedar shavings for dogs it will give you a clear view of whether to use wood shaving for dogs or not.

While our experts also write on wood shavings for dog kennels and pine shavings for puppies as well as discuss solutions if dogs ate cedar shavings. Please read more to know more about cedar and its uses.

The Bottom Line With Wood Shavings

Using cedar as bedding or litter for our dogs is not good, especially since alternatives are readily accessible, based on the research indicating a potential problem with the compounds in cedar chips that might induce physiological modifications.

Kiln-dried pine is non-toxic (many cats or pet products are heat-treated in this manner). However, other professionals have noted skin irritations, itching, and allergies to pine shavings in both people and their pets, suggesting that they may be discomforting.

Given that the information about wood shavings’ faults is anecdotal and has not been evaluated in the light of exotic pet health issues, it isn’t easy to give definitive recommendations.

However, if you have access to other kinds of pet bedding, it’s best to utilize them instead of wood shavings because you won’t have to be concerned about potential problems and risks.

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