My Dog Ate Moldy Food – What Do I Do? (The Solution)

My Dog Ate Moldy Food

Have you ever noticed the food’s expiration date on your dog’s kibbles? You might not think it matters because they can’t read, but what about when they start to get moldy and fuzzy.

I’ve heard horror stories about dogs eating expired or moldy food and ending up with many health problems like liver disease or even cancer. This is why it’s important to make sure we’re storing our dog food properly in an airtight container and out of direct sunlight so that everything stays fresh.

We should always check our own pantry, too, for anything that might be past its prime before giving it to Fluffy as a tasty treat!

Let’s answer the question My Dog Ate Moldy Food?

Causes of Moldy Food (Mycotoxins) Poisoning in Dogs

These are some of the causes and risk factors for mycotoxin poisoning.

  • Spoiled food left in an open trashcan
  • Compost heap
  • Feeding spoiled food to a dog

Symptoms of Moldy Food (Mycotoxins) Poisoning in Dogs

These symptoms could indicate mycotoxin poisoning.

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Restlessness
  • Disorientation
  • Tremors
  • Seizures
  • High fever (hyperthermia)
  • Jaundiced appearance (icterus)
  • Abdominal pain

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Can Moldy Food Kill a Dog?

Moldy food can be fatal to a dog. If your dog shows any of the symptoms associated with mycotoxin poisoning, immediately take them to a veterinarian. It is a serious concern and can lead to death if immediate care is not sought.

What To Do If My Dog Ate Moldy Food?

Taking your dog to a veterinarian as soon as possible and having them examined will give your pet the best chance of survival and recovery. The veterinarian may perform some or all of these procedures:

Run blood work tests

Diagnose a bleeding or blood clotting disorder in the case of severe anemia

Administer intravenous fluids

Put your dog on a ventilator to assist their breathing, if necessary

Provide pain medications, antibiotics, and other prescribed treatments

It is important to get veterinary help as soon as possible after the ingestion. Though dogs can eat some moldy food without any apparent side effects, ingesting toxic amounts of mycotoxins may lead to death.

What Happens If My Dog Eats Moldy Food?

Moldy food ingestion in dogs is a serious risk. When the dog’s body ingests mold, mycotoxins are produced as a byproduct. Mycotoxins can cause illness through their toxic components and/or immune system suppression.

Several types of fungi produce spores from mold. The two main types of mycotoxins are aflatoxins and fumonisins. They can cause liver damage, immune system suppression, and cancer of the liver.

Other molds can also produce dangerous mycotoxins, such as vomitoxin (a byproduct of the growth of some types of Penicillium mold), which is also poisonous to dogs. Symptoms of vomiting, depression, and lack of appetite indicate that your dog has eaten moldy food.

If you suspect this, see your veterinarian for an examination right away.

Can Dogs Get Sick from Eating Moldy Food?

Dogs can get sick from eating moldy food. The most dangerous types of mold are the toxic molds such as Aspergillus and Penicillium that produce spores.

When a dog gets into food that has been contaminated with these spores, the spores then grow into new mold colonies. If the food has not been completely consumed, your dog can ingest it during its next feeding.

The toxins produced by these mold colonies are harmful to dogs and can cause illness. Vomiting, depression, and lack of appetite are common symptoms of mycotoxin poisoning in dogs.

Will Moldy Cheese Hurt My Dog?

Moldy cheese can make your dog very sick. If you suspect your dog has eaten moldy food, take them to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

When a dog eats a toxic amount of a fungus that produces mycotoxins, the mycotoxin poison will affect its body. Aflatoxins and fumonisins are two such mycotoxins.

The dog’s body processes this poison as if it were a food toxin, and the mycotoxin will spread through its system quickly due to its fat-soluble elements.

The result is liver damage, lethargy, and vomiting within a few hours of ingestion. Liver damage leads to vomiting and lack of appetite, and in severe cases, may lead to death.

If your dog finds moldy food and eats it, you should take them to the veterinarian immediately for a checkup. If you know what type of mold is present or if a lab has tested the food, share this information with your veterinarian.

However, mycotoxin poisoning often manifests without knowing the specific fungus that produced it or its cause. Therefore, your veterinarian will run tests to determine if your dog has any mycotoxins in its blood system and try to treat the poisoning accordingly.

Can Dogs Eat Moldy Bread?

Dogs can eat bread mold just like people. However, bread that has gone bad may also contain undesirable pieces of food such as hair or bugs.

If you are unsure whether the mold is located on desired food, remove it before giving the dog the meal.

Can Moldy Bread Kill a Dog?

Moldy bread may not kill a dog, but it can make them very sick. The most dangerous types of mold are the toxic molds such as Aspergillus and Penicillium that produce spores.

When a dog eats food contaminated with these spores, the spores grow into new mold colonies. If the contaminated food has not been completely consumed, your dog can ingest it during its next feeding.

The toxins produced by these mold colonies are harmful to dogs and can cause illness. Vomiting, depression, and lack of appetite are common symptoms of mycotoxin poisoning in dogs.

Can Moldy Water Make Dogs Sick?

Moldy water can make your dog very sick. If you suspect your dog has eaten moldy food, take them to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

How Long After Eating Something Will a Dog Get Sick?

It varies depending on the amount of poison ingested and how much the dog’s body can process at once. The more mycotoxins in the dog’s system, the quicker they will get sick.

If your dog eats a large quantity of food that has been infected with mold or mycotoxins, it may get sick in less than six hours.

What Are the Signs of Mold Poisoning?

Common symptoms of mold poisoning in dogs include vomiting, depression, and lack of appetite.

Dogs that survive the initial exposure will likely be lethargic for several days until their bodies can rid themselves of the toxins.

What Can I Give My Dog If He Ate Moldy Food?

If you suspect your dog has eaten moldy food, try to induce vomiting or offer them activated charcoal or bland, such as boiled rice and chicken.

The charcoal acts as a magnet for the mycotoxins in your dog’s digestive tract, preventing them from being absorbed into their blood system. Contact your veterinarian if the symptoms are severe or if they have any questions.

How Do I Treat My Dog for Mold?

Treatment for mycotoxin poisoning involves flushing out their system and stopping the absorption of any remaining poison. The vet will put your dog on an intravenous drip and force them to vomit.

Activated charcoal is given orally to further stop any toxins from entering the blood system. Your dog may need to stay at the veterinary clinic for a few days so the doctors can monitor their progress.

What Can Black Mold Do to Dogs?

Black mold is carcinogenic. It is not typically life-threatening but can cause serious damage to the respiratory system and even cancer over time if left untreated.

When a dog breathes in spores from black mold, they stick to its lungs. This causes irritation and difficulty breathing, as well as other symptoms.

Can Mold Make Dogs Itch?

Mold can make mycotoxin poisoning symptoms worse when a dog is itching. If your dog has been in contact with mold but does not exhibit any symptoms, it may still be affected by the toxin.

In most cases, it takes about three weeks from initial exposure for symptoms to show up.

How To Store Food to Keep Mold Away

The best way to keep fungus out of your pet’s food is to store it in sealed containers away from moisture and humidity. You can also use a dehumidifier to keep the air dry and prevent mold growth.

What Does Mold Look Like?

If you suspect your dog has eaten moldy food, take them to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Mold typically takes on darker colors such as green, brown, and black but can also be blue, pink, or white.

It tends to have a fuzzy texture with raised edges.